Don't worry, this is legit, and you still won't have to pay for award winning anti-virus protection.
If you don't have this pop-up and want to UPGRADE, you can download it HERE. Then skip down to the install instructions below.
First, click on the big, red, "LEARN MORE AND UPGRADE NOW" button.
A new internet window should open and should look like this:
HERE IS THE TRICK: You should scroll down the window and find at the bottom of the page the "Update my current product only" Link.
If you don't have this pop-up and want to UPGRADE, you can download it HERE. Then skip down to the install instructions below.
First, click on the big, red, "LEARN MORE AND UPGRADE NOW" button.
A new internet window should open and should look like this:
Your computer should ask you if you want to run/open or save the program. You want to run or open it. If not, save it, and then run the program.
Your computer should ask you if you want to run/open or save the program. You want to run or open it. If not, save it, and then run the program.
The following window should pop-up:
The program will continue to install:
Once completed, it will ask you how you would like to set up your scanning schedule. I recommend selecting "never." But why?!? Am I crazy? No, I just like to have control over when my computer starts scanning. If you feel the need to scan, do you when you'd like. AVG is always on in the background guarding your system, so you're protected!
This tutorial should be a good guideline for future AVG upgrades. They happen about once a year.
Welcome to AVG 9 FREE!